Date: 18/05/2024
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Build your church site as a team!

Creating and managing a church website can seem like a daunting task. But you don't have to face it alone! Church111 makes it easy to add more administrators to help with your site. Here's how to get someone else set up:

1. Click on Users/Passwords in the Admin Section of your Church111 site

2. Click "Add New"

3. Fill in your new administrator's information (make sure to write down the username and password)

4. Choose what parts of the site you want that person to work on. Select the appropriate Access Level.

5. Save and let your new administrator get to work!

The best part is that you can choose exactly what each person can edit. Do you want someone to manage the calendar and nothing but the calendar? Make them an "area administrator" and check Calendar. How about managing a particular ministry page? Make them a "page administrator" and select your ministry page. Or just want someone to help with everything? Make them another "site administrator".

Adding more administrators will not only make your life easier, but it will also get more people excited about your website!